NetVision-Technik - Einzelnen Beitrag anzeigen - Microsoft nimmt DynDNSService die Domain
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Alt 04.07.2014, 18:11   #8
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We would like to give you an update and announce that ALL of the 23 domains that were seized by Microsoft on June 30 are now back in our control. Please realize that it may take up to 24 hours for the DNS to fully propagate, but everything should be fully functioning within the next day. One of the domains,, took longer to get back online, but it should be fully restored within the next day. Is your service back up? Please send us a tweet and let us know.
We are so sorry for the inconvenience that this takedown has caused our customers. Thank you so much for the support and for sticking with us through this entire process this week. More information surrounding the event will be released within the next few days, so stay tuned. Again, THANK YOU.
Have any questions or comments? Please do not hesitate to open a Support Ticket or give us a call at 775.853.1883, but please understand that we are still under heavy call/ticket volume and it may take more time than normal to get back to you.
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