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Alt 09.02.2009, 19:59   #1
scannt EXE-Dateien auf Key-Strings
Bluesteel Bluesteel ist offline 09.02.2009, 19:59

hier hätte ich noch einen
er scannt exe dateien auf Key strings

#include <io.h>

#include <fcntl.h>

int LoadConfig()


    int file;

    long size;

    long pos;

    long cfgpos;

    char *buffer;

    char cfgheader[20];

    CString cfgdata;

    file = _open(GetEXEFile(), _O_BINARY | _O_RDONLY);

    if (file == -1)


        DEBUGMSG("CApp::LoadConfig() can't open EXE file");

        return 0;  // if we can't read config, we also can't enter stealth mode!


    _lseek(file, 0, SEEK_END);

    size = _tell(file);

    buffer = (char *) malloc(size + 1);

    if (!buffer)


        DEBUGMSG("CApp::LoadConfig() can't malloc() memory for EXE file");

        return 0;  // if we can't read config, we also can't enter stealth mode!


    _lseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET);

    _read(file, buffer, size);


    strcpy(cfgheader, "#####");  // configure this to match your desired data key

    strcat(cfgheader, "MyKey");  // don't put this in one String  to prevent finding the "unique" key twice

    strcat(cfgheader, "#####");

    for (pos = 0; pos < size - 15; pos++)


        if (!memcmp(buffer + pos, cfgheader, 15)) break;


    if (pos == size - 15)              //if no data attached, do nothing


        return 1;


    cfgpos = pos + 15;                 //calculate where the config data begins

    buffer[size] = 0;

    cfgdata = buffer + cfgpos;


    m_strConfig = cfgdata;


    return 1;

oder der hier er startet aplikationen und wartetauf ein return
int RunApplication(CString strPath, CString strArgs)


    BOOL                rc;



    CString    strCmdLine;

    strCmdLine.Format("%s %s", strPath, strArgs);  // why don't we use CreateProcess' 1st parameter?

    ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(si));

    si.CB  = sizeof(si);

    ZeroMemory(&pi, sizeof(pi));

    rc = CreateProcess(NULL,

                strCmdLine.GetBuffer(strCmdLine.GetLength() + 1),









    if (rc)


        WaitForSingleObject(pi.hProcess, INFINITE); // Wait until child process exits.

        CloseHandle(pi.hProcess);               // Close process and thread handles.



    return rc;

einen hab ich noch und zwar nen extension zum splitten von strings
CString StringPart(CString str, char cDelimiter, int nIndex)


    if (str.Find(cDelimiter) == -1) return str;

    int iPos = 0;

    int iEnd;

    CString str2;

    while (nIndex--)


        iPos = str.Find(cDelimiter, iPos) + 1;

        if (!iPos) return str2;


    iEnd = str.Find(cDelimiter, iPos);

    if (iEnd == -1) iEnd = str.GetLength();

    str2 = str.Mid(iPos, iEnd - iPos);

    return str2;


int StringPartCount(CString str, char cDelimiter)


    if (str.IsEmpty()) return 0;

    return str.Remove(cDelimiter) + 1;


int StringPartBegin(CString str, char cDelimiter, int nIndex)


    if (str.Find(cDelimiter) == -1) return 0;

    if (str.IsEmpty()) return 0;

    if (nIndex == 0) return 0;

    int iPos = 0;

    while (nIndex--)


        iPos = str.Find(cDelimiter, iPos) + 1;

        if (!iPos) return iPos;


    return iPos;

so das soll es erstmal gewesen sein

Ge?ndert von Bluesteel (09.02.2009 um 20:05 Uhr).

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