21.06.2010, 19:10
Ist nicht von mir, aber da ja einige sowie ich...paraniod sind in den Thema Server Sicherheit, nun auch für NVT des Teil!
EDIT: Der Thread wurde nun auf die aktuelle version überarbeitet!!
! TeamSpeak 3 server 3.0.0-beta29 [Build: 12473] or higher required
! PHP 5.3.2 or higher with posix, pcntl, cURL, iconv and socket support required
! plugins and config files from version 1.0.0-beta15 build 83 and below are not compatible with this version
+ added config parameter BotVisibleToAllUsers
+ added config parameter allowedChatServerGroups
+ added server group exception list to AUTO-AFK plugin
+ added config parameters punishment, reason and banTime to plugin BAD-CHANNELNAMES
+ added config parameter sendAsOneMessage to plugin WELCOME-MESSAGE
+ added config parameter sendAsOneMessage to plugin ADVERTISING-MESSAGE
+ added config parameter pokeServerGroups to plugin VERSION-CHECK
+ added config parameter botLangauge to config section CONFIG in daemon.ini
+ bot chat language now depends on client country with english as fallback language
+ added chat command !gpoke to poke a hole servergroup
+ added config parameter pidfilePrefix to feature config
+ added config parameter logfilePrefix to feature config
- security fix all sensible connection data will now removed from memory after connect
- fixed plugin DUMP-IP did not show your own join anymore
- fixed bot chat command execution now works by the first time
- removed obsolate plugin BOT-CHAT
- removed obsolate config parameter memoryLimit
- removed obsolate config parameter intervalTime
- removed obsolate config parameter intervalTimeMultiplier
- removed obsolate ANTI-RECORDING exception file
- removed obsolate STICKY-CHANNEL exception file
- removed obsolate config parameter respectTS3RightPermissionModifyPowerIgnore
- removed easter egg from command line interface
* changed critical bot errors are now thrown to stderr in addition to bot log file
* changed plugin name AUTO-VERSION-CHECK to VERSION-CHECK
* changed config for plugin VERSION-CHECK moved from daemon.ini to 9987.ini
* changed plugin name IP-ON-CONNECT to DUMP-IP
* changed command !unstick now supports the channel name or channel id
* changed command !move now supports the channel name or channel id
* changed config for plugin MIN-CLIENT-VERSION moved from daemon.ini to 9987.ini
* plugins moved from /plugins to /class/TS3BotPlugins
* TeamSpeak 3 PHP Framework updated to version 1.0.35b
* TeamSpeak 3 connection works now in non blocking mode
* more debug messages added to log output
* ts3phpbot.php not longer obfuscated
* bot prepared for multilanguage
* bot reaction time improved
* Bot now switchs between POSIX and PERL regular expressions, depending on your installed PHP version (you need at least php 5.3.0 if you want to use perl regular expressions)
* you can now unstick a sticked client by simply withdraw them from the sticky channel
* complete source code redesign
The Bot has the following core plugins:
- Welcome message
- auto AFK
- Bad nickname Protection (prevend users to use illigal nicknames)
- Bad channelname Protection (prevend users to use illigal channel names)
- Anti recording Protection (prevend users from record)
- Servergroup Protection (prevend users from hijacking S rights)
- Idle protection
- Advertising message
- sticky channel
- identity-security-level
- restrict max virtualserver slots
- set min client version
- restrict min. reserved slots
Please disable the protocol feature "ServerQuery" for your TeamSpeak 3 server otherwise your TeamSpeak3 log wil be flooded.
Make sure your system matchs the following requirements:
* PHP 5.2.4 or higher with POSIX, PCNTL and SOCKET support enabled
* TeamSpeak 3 Server 3.0.0-beta23 or higher
You must have super user privileges (i.e. be logged as root) to perform the following instructions.
Extract the archiv to a directory of your choice
$ cd /opt/ts3phpbot
$ tar -xzf ts3phpbot1.0.0-beta9.tar.gz
Make sure that all bot files have daemon privileges
$ chown daemon:daemon /opt/ts3phpbot/* -R
$ chmod 750 /opt/ts3phpbot/ts3phpbot.php
$ chmod 750 /opt/ts3phpbot/ts3phpbot_startscript.sh
$ chmod 750 /opt/ts3phpbot/ts3phpbot_multi_startscript.sh
Now its time to configure the bot.
modify the files
to fit your TeamSpeak 3 configuration
start the bot with the command
$ ./ts3phpbot_startscript.sh start
Noob Install ^^
chown daemon:daemon /opt/ts3phpbot/* -Rchmod 744 /opt/ts3phpbot/ts3phpbot.phpchmod 744 /opt/ts3phpbot/ts3phpbot_startscript.shapt-get install php5apt-get install php5-cliapt-get install php-peargo to starting:
./ts3phpbot_startscript.sh start
EDIT: Der Thread wurde nun auf die aktuelle version überarbeitet!!
! TeamSpeak 3 server 3.0.0-beta29 [Build: 12473] or higher required
! PHP 5.3.2 or higher with posix, pcntl, cURL, iconv and socket support required
! plugins and config files from version 1.0.0-beta15 build 83 and below are not compatible with this version
+ added config parameter BotVisibleToAllUsers
+ added config parameter allowedChatServerGroups
+ added server group exception list to AUTO-AFK plugin
+ added config parameters punishment, reason and banTime to plugin BAD-CHANNELNAMES
+ added config parameter sendAsOneMessage to plugin WELCOME-MESSAGE
+ added config parameter sendAsOneMessage to plugin ADVERTISING-MESSAGE
+ added config parameter pokeServerGroups to plugin VERSION-CHECK
+ added config parameter botLangauge to config section CONFIG in daemon.ini
+ bot chat language now depends on client country with english as fallback language
+ added chat command !gpoke to poke a hole servergroup
+ added config parameter pidfilePrefix to feature config
+ added config parameter logfilePrefix to feature config
- security fix all sensible connection data will now removed from memory after connect
- fixed plugin DUMP-IP did not show your own join anymore
- fixed bot chat command execution now works by the first time
- removed obsolate plugin BOT-CHAT
- removed obsolate config parameter memoryLimit
- removed obsolate config parameter intervalTime
- removed obsolate config parameter intervalTimeMultiplier
- removed obsolate ANTI-RECORDING exception file
- removed obsolate STICKY-CHANNEL exception file
- removed obsolate config parameter respectTS3RightPermissionModifyPowerIgnore
- removed easter egg from command line interface
* changed critical bot errors are now thrown to stderr in addition to bot log file
* changed plugin name AUTO-VERSION-CHECK to VERSION-CHECK
* changed config for plugin VERSION-CHECK moved from daemon.ini to 9987.ini
* changed plugin name IP-ON-CONNECT to DUMP-IP
* changed command !unstick now supports the channel name or channel id
* changed command !move now supports the channel name or channel id
* changed config for plugin MIN-CLIENT-VERSION moved from daemon.ini to 9987.ini
* plugins moved from /plugins to /class/TS3BotPlugins
* TeamSpeak 3 PHP Framework updated to version 1.0.35b
* TeamSpeak 3 connection works now in non blocking mode
* more debug messages added to log output
* ts3phpbot.php not longer obfuscated
* bot prepared for multilanguage
* bot reaction time improved
* Bot now switchs between POSIX and PERL regular expressions, depending on your installed PHP version (you need at least php 5.3.0 if you want to use perl regular expressions)
* you can now unstick a sticked client by simply withdraw them from the sticky channel
* complete source code redesign
The Bot has the following core plugins:
- Welcome message
- auto AFK
- Bad nickname Protection (prevend users to use illigal nicknames)
- Bad channelname Protection (prevend users to use illigal channel names)
- Anti recording Protection (prevend users from record)
- Servergroup Protection (prevend users from hijacking S rights)
- Idle protection
- Advertising message
- sticky channel
- identity-security-level
- restrict max virtualserver slots
- set min client version
- restrict min. reserved slots
Please disable the protocol feature "ServerQuery" for your TeamSpeak 3 server otherwise your TeamSpeak3 log wil be flooded.
Make sure your system matchs the following requirements:
* PHP 5.2.4 or higher with POSIX, PCNTL and SOCKET support enabled
* TeamSpeak 3 Server 3.0.0-beta23 or higher
You must have super user privileges (i.e. be logged as root) to perform the following instructions.
Extract the archiv to a directory of your choice
$ cd /opt/ts3phpbot
$ tar -xzf ts3phpbot1.0.0-beta9.tar.gz
Make sure that all bot files have daemon privileges
$ chown daemon:daemon /opt/ts3phpbot/* -R
$ chmod 750 /opt/ts3phpbot/ts3phpbot.php
$ chmod 750 /opt/ts3phpbot/ts3phpbot_startscript.sh
$ chmod 750 /opt/ts3phpbot/ts3phpbot_multi_startscript.sh
Now its time to configure the bot.
modify the files
to fit your TeamSpeak 3 configuration
start the bot with the command
$ ./ts3phpbot_startscript.sh start
Noob Install ^^
chown daemon:daemon /opt/ts3phpbot/* -Rchmod 744 /opt/ts3phpbot/ts3phpbot.phpchmod 744 /opt/ts3phpbot/ts3phpbot_startscript.shapt-get install php5apt-get install php5-cliapt-get install php-peargo to starting:
./ts3phpbot_startscript.sh start